Do you ever wonder if your child has too many toys? Do you wonder if they are bored with their selection of toys or not stimulated by them? I came across a great book titled Simplicity Parenting by Kim John Payne. The subtitle of this book reads; Using the extraordinary power of less to raise calmer, happier, and more secure kids. This is comforting advice regarding my child having too many toys. This is a great book and highlights four tips regarding children and toys. 1. The number of toys your child has should be dramatically reduced. The author writes,"As you decrease clutter, you increase a child's attention and capacity for deep play." She explains that too many toys can be overwhelming for your child. This makes sense. I feel most calm when I have less excess stuff; when my closet is cleaned out and organized, and my drawers are de cluttered. This is when I feel like I can focus best. 2. Organize the room so your child can only see a few toys at a time. It is best to put most of their toys away so they can concentrate on a few at time. Too many toys is too much of a distraction. 3. Reduce the number of books they have in their room. Dr. Payne writes, "Kids need the … [Read more...]